About Us

Canada Leaks Team

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willy wonka canada ottawa


Leader, of my own path, a visionary, who wears glasses, an enthusiast, only when an enthusiastic reaction is required, and a big dreamer, especially at night. My name is Rima, not Lima, not Dima nor Rita. It means deer, the ones you find shot by the streets in the USA for weird reasons. I am a big supporter of absurdity and illogical links which makes life very hard but artistic. When you read me, keep an eye on the punctuation, I spend a lot of time on Grammarly but my ideas are my own and I worked hard to construct and deconstruct my brain in analysis, check it out!
Now, on the more serious side, Rima is a translator, a copywriter, and a senior editor. She is trilingual and juggles between English, French, and Arabic. In 2016, she studied Cinema and fell in love with movies. Translation and movie studies led to her long career in Subtitles and their treatment. She can bring creative writing to any field including SEO surprisingly! Do not hesitate to brighten your day by contacting this cheerful soul.

Lea Daghfal
Lea Daghfal – French Tutor

Lea Daghfal

Enseignante de français depuis 2014, je cherche et crée, chaque jour, des outils et des moyens pour aider les enseignants dans leur pratique et rendre les cours plus attrayants. 

J’ai déjà travaillé sur un projet ayant pour objectif principal de fournir aux éducateurs plusieurs ressources portant sur diverses disciplines.

De même,  j’ai ma propre chaine YouTube sur laquelle je publie des capsules vidéos explicatives que je partage avec certains élèves ou apprenants durant mes formations.

J’enseigne en présentiel, mais aussi en ligne, des élèves de tout âge et de tous les niveaux.

Besoin d’un coup de pouce en langue française ou en conception des ressources pédagogiques ? N’hésitez pas à me laisser un message !

Bruno Khater
Bruno Khater – Senior Graphic Designer

Bruno Khater

Does not like to take things lightly, especially when it comes to visuals. This Graphic Design fanatic understands the impact of global imagery on the market today and this understanding has led him to adopt the mission of making the world a better visually stimulating place for businesses. Despite his laid-back attitude, Bruno is an aggressive strategic thinker who will provide various adaptive solutions to fit your business storyline in order to eliminate visual imperfections and reflect an excellent image for your brand.

Bruno holds a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design and helps with expertise and professionalism in promoting and raising both light and heavy projects and businesses worldwide. Do not hesitate to bring your most complicated challenges and rest reassured that Bruno’s dedicated services will be concentrated on untying the knots of your workflow in order to uplift your most beloved business endeavors and help you shine in this competitive brand traffic! You can finally laminate your name in the heads of your target market audience with this person’s wits and tricks. Nation, what is stopping you?
