During Christmas season in Ottawa, I was walking with my friend down the street trying to reach Rexall for emergency medication under the snowing sky and the way below-zero temperature. We tried to cross the pavement but a car was about to park and accidentally blocked our way. The driver instantly drove back to let us pass. I was in complete cultural shock. Actually, not only cultural but human shock. In my country, when this kind of coincidence happens, the upper hand would always be for the more powerful, the guy who can actually kill the other, in this case…the driver. Nevertheless, this driver chose deliberately to abandon the ultimate power to be kind. Kindness. It tastes like maple syrup and it is sweet. Not that there are no jerks here, but everything is proportionate. And if you meet one Canadian per day, he’s rather kind.
I’m not attacking the Lebanese, they’re not to blame. In fact, with the absence of fair law, everybody needs to stand up for themselves and the laws of the jungle only apply. Aspiring to better days I am, we still got the upper hand when it comes to leaving the ecological footprint. Good luck Canadians!
Come to think of it, I’m thinking the weather is so aggressive the nation has to stand against it over here. We unite in Canada against nature’s conditioning. OMG, this means people are sweeter during winter and winter is coming…so Happy Christmas!!!!
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