Christmas in Ottawa during 2022 is not like any other. As a newcomer without any relatives here, it does not feel like Christmas, at all. Back where I lived before, we used to prepare for the night of Christmas starting in November, calling family members, inviting them, and discussing the Christmas event with the menu.

Mainly, every year, Christmas used to take place at my parent’s house. I am so lazy to prepare the decoration, so I encourage my parents to start the decoration in mid-November, but I keep noticing my mother doing all the work. Then, I start making excuses and influencing the surrounding about the importance to do the Christmas at my parent’s house.

Christmas memory2
Christmas memory

Mid-December, my family by that time agrees on the gathering at my parent’s house along with the menu. When I used to be young my sister used to wear Santa Claus and offer us gifts. At a later stage, one day, my sister gave me Santa Claus and handed me the job. Since that time, it was my duty to be Santa during Christmas.

Therefore, on Christmas eve, I go to my room, wear my Santa Claus outfit, start ringing the bell, and enter the salon while shouting Merry Christmas. The kids start yelling, running towards me to give them their gifts. I called their names one by one. What a lovely memory.

Yea, Christmas in Ottawa this year, won’t be like any other.

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