Inception the endless Geronimo

This is a search for truth inside the dream, a kind of collective analysis, where dreams become lands and diegetic spaces with different seasons, or psyche. Cobb, whose name means the large man is a thief with an endless capacity to hack minds. Cobb operates on them to plant ideas or retrieve secrets. Firstly, he is the best candidate to execute the perfect crime, but with trauma. His departed wife, Mal, or the messenger of God as per her name’s meaning has committed a suicidal leap. In fact, she had lost reality which composes the main theme of the movie. If you are larger than life and seek truth or maybe your lost mail, this movie will reconstruct your reality.

“You’re waiting for a train. A train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can’t know for sure. Yet it doesn’t matter… Because you’ll always be together.”

canadaleaks inception movie review
canadaleaks inception movie review

The train was one of the first objects depicted in one of the earliest movies ever shot. I’m talking about the legendary L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat. This movie left an imprint on every mind. It introduced the concept of endless infinity and the piercing three-dimensional penetrating of cinema. The movie pays great homage to collective dreams, or what we call the movies. Moreover, if you read invisible cities by Italo Calvino, a book about fictitious cities that symbolize the inner worlds of human beings you’d link the architecture in the film with its fluidity and flexibility to the brain stretching and expansion that the director is trying to create by pushing limits with great symbolism. Also, the movie is not a mere story, it’s by itself then an act.

In fact, the architect in the movie, Ariadne, is considered the holiest after all for some reason, especially with her scarf that resembles a halo around her neck. This is a tiny detail in a swirl of meaningful patterns you do want to watch and this is not Cobb planting an idea in your mind.

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