Mental health is intimate, and in our opinion, every mental health story ought to be heard. After all, voicing it is the first step to releasing it. It’s perfectly normal to talk to friends, family, and coworkers about seeing a doctor if you have the flu or a broken leg. And it is something a bit more controversial to share your depression, anxiety… feelings. This is the societal norm nowadays.

Why we’re collecting and sharing “Mental Health” stories

Sharing your story to our collective consciousness increases awareness in the small village we call Earth. Pinpoint it, face it, voice it!

My mentl health story-01
My mental health story-01

Questions to inspire your sharing

  • You are not your mental illness, who are you?
  • What are your pain points? Do you have a recovery story?
  • How have you supported a loved one in their mental health journey? 
  • How do you take care of yourself for mental wellness?
  • Did you overcome the stigma surrounding mental health and illness? 
  • How might you use your experiences to help someone else with their mental illness?
  • What have you learned about yourself during your mental health journey?

What to keep in mind while sharing…

  • Keep your story truthful. Painting your mental illness in an overly positive or negative light hurts your genuine side.
  • If you use professional terms, explain their meaning in simple terms the first time you use the term.
  • You don’t have to discuss everything about your illness or your past. Disclose only what you are comfortable in sharing.
Share your story with us and we will publish it as an anonymous follower.

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