I had a problem with my spine back in my country. I went to every doctor in and out of town to fix my Quasimodo hunch to no avail. Little did I know that my immigration plan to Canada will do the trick. In Lebanon, a country with narrow streets and high-rise buildings the sky is shy. And when the sky is shy, people tend to look less at it and keep their heads down. Hence my spine problem got fixed the minute I set foot in Ottawa, where the sky is high.
Not only this. Although my overall health seems to have improved a lot since my arrival, my psyche feeding on better dreams is bringing me better days. I would have never imagined that my biggest debate would ever be related to the threshold of how much happiness I could take. People are generally happy here and it’s contagious.
Betting on global warming is my only complaint. I’m just fearing I wouldn’t be able to take the horrid winter they all talk about here and go back to my original country, currently without a president. One more reason to smile these days I guess…Or not.
The most important thing is, everybody talks about the American dream. I just discovered the more modest Canadian dream with big aims and goals. Each day, I am introduced to an amazing new fact, and I am constantly overwhelmed. To this city that had me over with arms wide open I say. I will bring my best, stay tuned, and stay excellent!
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