The dating scenery in Ottawa
I tried to explore the dating scenery in Ottawa, people here are genuine, transparent, and very sweet. No wonder the application’s name is Tender. The pun is intended. But, the weather is not. Although I heard a lot about the cold and the many tips people tend to willingly offer on each encounter regarding dealing with uncommon low temperatures and despite those missing squirrels…
No, I didn’t see my upper lip freezing completely until it became not functional on a cold day. Constantly, I was convincing myself that the anticipation of cold is worse than the actual temperature, or lack of it that is, but when reality hit, it hit unexpectedly and hard, right in my face. Thank goodness all the insides are warm like all insides should be. Regardless, I kept looking for that squirrel with the white stripes I always see in the backyard of the building I live in.
Instead, I found a library nearby. The Public Library of Ottawa is an inside gem. Yes, there’s gold inside Ottawa. Nobody ever talks about this province’s intellectual treasure that allows its citizens and permanent residents to access the finest mind productions humanity ever made. I grabbed the first book that caught my attention. Sapiens! I almost drooled. In my country, the book is banned for many wrong reasons I won’t state but I’ll give you a hint: Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon dilemma. Yet I guess I’m way far from that now, gladly.
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