Winston doesn’t smoke or Why my story started when I quit
A young man couldn’t stand the smell of his neighbor’s cooking every day of the week. He just got used to his nostrils to be abused by bad cooking of nowhere’s cuisine. But, since a work-from-home agent, there’s a positive aspect of the matter. He doesn’t have to tolerate other physical people which is great because he could barely control the urge to beat the shit out of them.
Although he wasn’t advised to make only virtual contacts with virtual avatars, he insisted on even having virtual appointments with virtual doctors, psychoanalysts, friends, advisors and even family members and the urge was totally under control, until one day, he decided to go out of his not so comfortable zone, for him to receive a blood and urine test. He ordered a cab since he couldn’t drive after the traumatic driving incidents he faced back in his country, yes, he was born and has been living in a third-world country for all his life and his background stories are too many to tell, especially trauma-wise. But that’s just predictable. The name is Winston, by the way, after the old cigarettes his father used to smoke during the Civil War.
Winston entered the coffee-house, after all, he didn’t need to fast before the test as per his doctor’s instructions. He ordered a whole wheat tuna salad sandwich, with black coffee and threw up the half of them in the coffee-house’s restroom. Winston then entered the clinic. A soft ginger head received him with dead cold eyes but with a soft smile on her face. He barely noticed though because he was intimidated by eye contacts. He said they awoke the beast in him but that’s another story. Let’s focus on the gentleman in the corner in the waiting room talking to an unknown figure and laughing on the phone.
Winston thought all phone users are delusional because he could never see or hear the other person. Maybe Winston should have been in an asylum by now, but instead, he was in a closed room, with a Russian nurse, who is slowly putting a big needle in his arm and sucking the blood from his vein. He didn’t want it to stop. The bleeding. The controlled bleeding. He wanted the blood all out. However, to appear normal, he kept his desire to himself.
Then, the nurse asked for the urine sample. That was easy, Winston could produce that any time of the day, any day of the month, any month of the year, any year of the calendar, any calendar that ever existed. He had severe anxiety. In fact, he went in and out in a second. But since he was a new immigrant, he didn’t know what to do next. This is why, he entered the room. And by room, I mean, the forbidden room. And by forbidden room, I mean, the STAFF ONLY ROOM. This is when she started shouting. Winston didn’t like to be scolded.
Winston didn’t like jails neither, but there he was, all just because, he quit smoking.
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